
The main ambition of Change2Twin is to ensure that 100% of manufacturing companies in Europe have access to 100% of technologies needed to deploy a digital twin.

Change2Twin will adopt the best practices developed so far in I4MS:

Specifically, we focus on three sub-objectives: 

  • Developing and providing a truly end-to-end service to the manufacturing SMEs where the end user receives from its local, trusted party (DIH) a thorough analysis of the digitalization potential and a cross-border, ready-to-use recipe for implementation involving both components providers and an integrator.
  • Providing an architecture-agnostic technology marketplace with dedicated knowledge models supporting the DIH preparing the recipe for a complete solution in selecting the best components and most suitable providers for the SME. 
  • Finding the minimal interoperable model facilitating modularity, composability and interchangeability of components used, regardless of the individual architectures or frameworks. 

Change2Twin will deliver:

  • 4 pilot experiments proving the concept and 2 Open Calls for application experiments with a selection and support programme
  • A new benchmarked service model facilitating DIHs in providing support to manufacturing companies 
  • A Pan-European marketplace populated with the state-of-the-art service providers that create coverage for end-to-end digital twinning solutions
  • A growing network of DIHs that have adopted the service model and marketplace based on a sustainable business model
  • An open, widely available toolbox for establishing a new marketplace consisting of software and body of knowledge gathered during the project. This should ensure sustainability of the business model also after the end of the project.

Project Info

  • Category: IT Technology
  • Partner:                       Horizon 2020
  • Location: EU
  • Realization Date: 2023

Project Info

If you want to know more about this project, visit the project website.